quinta-feira, 24 de setembro de 2015


"The word" Alchemy "
 Means "Science of Transmutation" art search, or discover the "Philosopher's Stone", with
purpose of her transmute metals worth less in value of noble metals, such as
gold or silver. The Philosopher's Stone, an understanding at a higher level is the Medicine
Universal, the Panacea, the Elixir of Long Life. The transmutation of gross matter of our bodies
in a spiritual matter and Sutil. Transmutation is the Personality Lead in Pure Gold
the Spirit. It transmute the DNA into a new genetic code, i.e., regenerate. This means
literally "COMPLETE THE DIVINE DESIGN FOR MAN" since man is a "Project
. Unfinished "Is man contributing in Divine Creation Work The Eternal calls the man and says.:
"Let us make man after our image and likeness". We are truly beings
Light dwelling in the matter, but when we managed to transform or transmute, our body
coarse in a Light Body happens then the long awaited, and worse, so mystified in darkness

                      Dear friends I leave a video for consideration METAMORPHOSIS
               Like the participation of you comments critical suggestions etc .. ..abraços

"... To make you know that not by bread alone does man live, but all that comes out of the Eternal's mouth, doth man live."
Devarim (Deuteronomy) 8: 3

                                                                                                                                      Cristiano Moura

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