sábado, 19 de setembro de 2015


"The snake biting its own tail."

    Shown as a four-legged animal that resembles more a dragon than a snake - is the alchemical belief that matter is in a constant cycle of destruction and creation. This was a golden symbol: the oldest ancestor of the snake drew Eve with the temptation of forbidden knowledge; and the Gnostics notched his devouring offspring tails in their rings and pendants. (Secrets of the Alchemists - Unknown Mysteries, Page 25)

The more complex challenge in studying alchemy is to understand the symbolism. We will find various symbols with numerous settings. It was the way the ancients had to preserve their knowledge and progress in the Great Work.

To deepen it is interesting to focus on studying a little "Hermetic language," I'll bring some general symbols and definitions for better understanding.

"Alchemists believe that the seven major metals had grown as embryos under the earth, each under the influence of one of the seven planets."


OURO/SOL               PRATA/LUA


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